Star Wars LEGO iPhone Dock

My wife pointed this out to me the other day from Apartment Therapy's Unplugged blog:

It isn't often we have the opportunity to combine our love of Star Wars, LEGO, and Apple all in one post, so the moment we found this homemade iPhone dock on Flickr, we just knew we had to share. Creator Chris Harrison has whole set of wonderful homemade LEGO iPhone docks, but this one inspired by the Star Wars AT walker is hands down our favorite.


Though Chris hasn't yet posted instructions or a parts list online, you can check out his fun creations on his Flickr page for some inspiration. We love the nostalgia and the fact that these docks can always be broken down and re-formed into something new whenever you need a change. Combine this iPhone charger with last week's Star Wars Mimobots, and you could be looking at some serious time-wasting fun in any home office!