Dear Republicans:
Victory is mine! Victory is mine... great day in the morning, people... victory is mine! From the second episode of the first season, titled Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc. You must bring him the finest muffins and bagels in all the land!
Don't despair -- Apple designer Raffi Jaharian will help you score the only iPhone that is BEST, BEST, BEST! More CONAN @ Team Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS &
CONAN Highlight: Apple's fresh new design team really has the Midas touch. More CONAN @ Team Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS &
This man is a genius.
The September 8th edition of #Sportscast focused on Seinfeld-isms. Using Twitter to crowd-source moments from the iconic show, I squeezed in 41 classic mentions in just a few minutes. (Make sure to read the graphics!) Enjoy.
David Pescovitz, at BoingBoing writes:
Sportscaster Adam Lefkoe of WHAS11 in Louisville, Kentucky dropped 41 Seinfeld references into five minutes on air. More at
Sarah Kliff, at The Washington Post's Wonkblog writes:
To test out this theory, a team of psychologists asked study participants how they felt about a number of mundane and unrelated subjects that included (but was not limited to) architecture, health care, crossword puzzles, taxidermy and Japan. They wanted to figure out if people tended to like or dislike things in general. This was dubbed the individual’s dispositional attitude or, more simply put, checked for whether they were a hater who pretty much hates on everything that comes across their path. Haters are gonna hate.
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Just watched them all, all over again. So good.
Tony Stark returns to HISHE for How Iron Man 3 Should Have Ended. Thank you for watching! Give us a 'Like' if enjoyed it and please 'Subscribe' if you want us to send you more.