Tweetbot Gets Streaming in 2.1

Tweetbot — A Twitter Client with Personality for iPad - Tapbots

The Tapbots Blog:

We are excited to announce the release of Tweetbot 2.1. As of this post, the iPhone version is still waiting for review in the App Store queue, but the iPad version has been approved and here’s what’s new: * iPad graphics optimized for the new iPad’s retina display * Streaming (when on WiFi with settings to disable it) * The “new tweets” sound is now limited to mentions, DM’s, and new tweets via pull-to-refresh * Double-tapping on the timeline tab button takes you to last read tweet before going to the top * Improvements to the Tweetmarker service * Camera+ 3.0 Capturing/Editing Support * Bug fixes related to direct messages * Many other bug fixes Loving the update so far. Can't wait for the desktop client to be released. Best Twitter app, by far.

iPhone Address Book Privacy

Jason Kottke:

13 out of 15! Zuckerberg's cell phone number! Maybe I'm being old-fashioned here, but this seems unequivocally wrong. Any app, from Angry Birds to Fart App 3000, can just grab the information in your address book without asking? Hell. No. And Curtis is right in calling Apple out about this...apps should not have access to address book information without explicitly asking. But now that the horse is out of the barn, this "quiet understanding" needs to be met with some noisy investigation. What happened to Path needs to happen to all the other apps that are storing our data. There's an opportunity here for some enterprising data journalist to follow Thampi's lead: investigate what other apps are grabbing address book data and then ask the responsible developers the same questions that were put to Path. Well put.

Greed and Entitlements

Federico Viticci, writing for Macstories:

More importantly, I’m baffled when I see people really getting angry because of a standalone app that was always meant to be that way. So here’s a tip for these people: next time you’re about to send a tweet to a developer, claiming that he promised a free and universal update and he’s now “stealing your money”, do your homework. Because if I can’t argue on economics, I sure think I’m pretty good at Google Search, which brought me to this page (screenshot). If I hear anyone complaining about paying $2.99 for Tweetbot for iPad, then we can't be friends anymore.

iOS Address Book Access Should Prompt The User For Permission

Marco Arment has chimed in, from a developers perspective, on the subject of Path's using Address Book data without asking the user permission first:

When implementing these features, I felt like iOS had given me far too much access to Address Book without forcing a user prompt. It felt a bit dirty. Even though I was only accessing the data when a customer explicitly asked me to, I wanted to look at only what I needed to and get out of there as quickly as possible. I never even considered storing the data server-side or looking at more than I needed to. This, apparently, is not a common implementation courtesy.

Tweetbot For iPad Is Out

Head over to the Tapbots site to read all about it and watch their excellent Demo video. I have been waiting for this iPad Twitter client for months. To say that I am extremely happy about this launch is an understatement. iMore has a great review up already that does a good job covering the new app. Macworld has a smaller piece as well, by Serenity Caldwell.

Why I Hate Android

MG Siegler, writing on

Apple, for all the shit they get for being “closed” and “evil”, has actually done far more to wrestle control back from the carriers and put it into the hands of consumers. Google set off to help in this goal, then stabbed us all in the back and went the complete other way, to the side of the carriers. And because they smiled the entire time they were doing it and fed us this “open” bullshit, we thanked them for it. As Marco Arment put it: Remember when Google argued for net neutrality? They’ve been pretty quiet about it recently. If you read anything on the web this month, for me, please read MG's post. I agree with him 100 percent.