This page was last updated on October 20th, 2020. The further ahead today's date is from this time, the more likely the information below may be out-of-date.

My photos are created using an iPhone 12 Pro and posted directly from the phone. Most of my pictures end up on this site or on Instagram.

Articles and links are published through Squarespace's CMS usually written first in Markdown in BBedit. Squarespace's built-in analytics.

Any code editing on any of my project sites is done using BBEdit and uploaded using Transmit. When I need to compare diffs, I use Kalidescope.

My personal email is hosted by the lovely folks at Fastmail, a fast & reliable IMAP email provider.

Web standards are imperative. I try to adhere to them. My HTML should validate as either HTML 5 its layout is constructed using valid CSS, and its syndicated feed is valid RSS.

I have comments turned off on my site. If you wish to reply, do so over Twitter or on your own website. This website happens to be mine, therefore only I decide which pixels appear on it.

If this website looks odd on your current browser, you're probably using a shitty browser that doesn't support web standards, such as Internet Explorer. You should upgrade to a browser made by competent people.

If you complain about this, I will laugh at you, because I do not care. If however, you are using a modern, standards-compliant browser and have trouble viewing or reading, please do let me know.

Note: Bits of text from this page were blatantly stolen borrowed from @gruber because that guy is awesome.