Evening Edition

Jim ray, at Off the Hoof, Mule's Blog:

Now, we’re all constantly awash in a torrent of news-like “updates”, in between fake celebrity death tweets, divorce notices on Facebook and new-puppy tumblrs. How is anyone supposed to sift through all of that to get to the important stuff? The answer to Jim's question is Evening Edition. Mule has launched a clean, concise summary of the day's news published in time for your commute home that talks about the major news events of the day in short summaries, linking to more in-depth versions of the story. Evening Edition is edited by the lovely Anna Rascouët-Paz. As I told Katie and Mike over Twitter earlier: Evening Edition + Instapaper = commuter heaven.

A Graphical Visualization of Apple’s Past iPhone Launches

Federico Viticci, writing for MacStories:

With the iPhone 4S, Apple went back to announcing “1 million units sold” — only with pre-orders and after 24 hours, not three days. In the launch weekend, as reported this morning, the company reported over 4 million iPhone 4S units sold in the seven countries the device launched on October 14th: US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Australia and Japan. Also, check out MacStories' graph: