Greed and Entitlements

Federico Viticci, writing for Macstories:

More importantly, I’m baffled when I see people really getting angry because of a standalone app that was always meant to be that way. So here’s a tip for these people: next time you’re about to send a tweet to a developer, claiming that he promised a free and universal update and he’s now “stealing your money”, do your homework. Because if I can’t argue on economics, I sure think I’m pretty good at Google Search, which brought me to this page (screenshot). If I hear anyone complaining about paying $2.99 for Tweetbot for iPad, then we can't be friends anymore.

Tweetbot For iPad Is Out

Head over to the Tapbots site to read all about it and watch their excellent Demo video. I have been waiting for this iPad Twitter client for months. To say that I am extremely happy about this launch is an understatement. iMore has a great review up already that does a good job covering the new app. Macworld has a smaller piece as well, by Serenity Caldwell.

Adobe Admits Defeat: Shuts Down App Stores

Sarah Perez, writing for ReadWriteWeb:

Adobe is shutting down two of its app stores dedicated to mobile and desktop application distribution, Adobe InMarket and the Adobe AIR Marketplace. The decision, the company says, was based on developer feedback. Adobe says it will now focus its efforts on helping developers publish their apps on multiple platforms, including official app stores like Apple's iTunes, Google's Android Market, BlackBerry App World, Intel's AppUp, Samsung Apps and Toshiba App Place. I had never heard of these two App stores until today.