Is This Thing On?


I haven't posted a lot in the past few years. I became a father in July of 2016, and have found taking care of a child to be rather time consuming. As he gets older, this are slowly getting easier.

On top of this, I started a new job in February of 2020 about a month before the COVID-19 lockdown started. I am the IT Director (and sole IT staffer) of a 100+ employee non-profit in Washington, D.C. And we're a political / issue advocacy organization. And its an election year. So things have been hectic, to say the least.

Still though, I want to post more here, more often than I have in the past few years. I'll try to do that, starting today.

For now, here is a picture of Henry.

This kid loves to swing, let me tell you…

This kid loves to swing, let me tell you…