Here we go again...

Yet another Presidential election year is upon us and again, the Paultards are out in force. Every time I mention one of the many things Ron Paul has said in the past which makes me oppose him as a candidate (for anything), or any of the other crackpot, crazy ideas that he touts, his supporters come out of the woodwork like cockroaches white-knighting for his cause. One particular rebuttal is that he voted to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell. What they fail to say (and probably don't know) is that he supports DOMA, the Marriage Protection Act, and the We the People Act which explicitly allowing discrimination against homosexuals. Is he homophobic? I don't know. Is he interested in protecting rights of homosexuals? Clearly not. He doesn't want the federal government meddling in people's affairs, but he has no problem at all with state government banning same-sex everything if they so choose. I don't think he is racist or homophobic, but it doesn't matter because he'll allow the racists and homophobes at the state levels to write racist and homophobic laws. Being the president is a practical job, and he's a philosopher with no concern for practicality or the real-life consequences of his philosophies. I shouldn't have less rights than my compatriots just because I was unlucky enough to born in a certain region. And I shouldn't have to wait 50 years for bigots to learn better either.