Update on Obama's "Bad Week"

by kos from DailyKOS

Earlier I wrote about Obama's delegate victory this past week despite Clinton's wins last Tuesday. My list was incomplete.

A reader passed on a full list of all the super delegates who announced the last six days their endorsements:


  1. DNC Carol Fowler (SC), 3-4-08

  2. Mary Long (GA), 3-4-08

  3. Roy LaVerne Brooks (TX), 3-4-08

  4. Rhine McLin (OH), 3-5-08

  5. DNC Jane Kidd (GA), 3-5-08

  6. DNC Darlena Williams-Burnett (IL), 3-5-08

  7. DNC Connie Thurman (IN), 3-6-08

  8. Rep. Nick Rahall (WV), 3-6-08

  9. DNC Teresa Benitez-Thompson (NV), 3-6-08

  10. DNC Alexandra Gallardo-Rooker (CA), 3-7-08

  11. Rep. Bill Foster (IL), 3-9-08

  12. DNC Mary Jo Neville (OH), 3-9-08


  1. Sen. Barbara Boxer (CA), 3-6-08

  2. DNC Mona Mohib (DC), 3-6-08

  3. DNC Aleita Huguenin (CA), 3-7-08

  4. DNC Mary Lou Winters (LA), 3-8-08

So that's an 8-delegate advantage for Obama.

As for the elections:

Obama  Clinton
66     75
RI 8     13
VT 9      6
TX 99     94
WY 7      5

Total 189    193

That gives Obama a four-delegate victory since last Tuesday. Add the four delegate gain out of California after that state's vote was certified, and we're up to 8 delegates for Obama. Throw in the four delegates Clinton lost in California, and that's 12 delegates for Obama. Today we had DNC member and super delegate Everett Sanders of Mississippi endorsing Obama, so make that 13 delegates for Obama.

So officially, Obama has a 13-delegate advantage for the week even before Mississippi votes tomorrow. Throw in the unpledged delegate in Wyoming who will certainly be an Obama delegate, and unofficially, Obama notched a 14-delegate gain in this "week from hell" for him.

As that reader noted in his email to me:

In the bigger picture, HRC lead in super delegates stood at 97 one month ago today. Today her lead is only 32. HRC has gained 18 Super delegates in the past month while Senator Obama has gained 83.  a month ago nearly 2 out of 3 declared super delegates were Clinton supporters now it is just over one half.

A few more "bad" weeks like this and he'll have the nomination nicely sewed up.

(Delegate information from the 2008 Democratic Convention Watch blog.)

Update: And another +2 for Obama -- he gains Joyce Brayboy of North Carolina, and if Spitzer resigns, she loses his vote. The Lt. Gov. David Patterson is a Clinton person, but he already had a vote as a DNC member. He doesn't get two votes now. So a net loss for Clinton.

Oh, and speaking of Spitzer, Clinton has already scrubbed her website of any Spitzer mentions.

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