Speaking of Secure Programming
A few months ago, while we were still in the thick of finishing off the book (Secure Programming with Static Analysis) and hadn’t yet started focusing on selling it, Brian and I recorded and interview with Informit’s new OnSoftware podcast where we talked about software security and the kind of material we cover in the book.
Well, months later the book is finished and now the interview we recorded is available for mass consumption through iTunes as either a video or audio podcast. You can subscribe to the podcast series on www.onpodcastweekly.com or link directly to our episode at http://media.podhoster.com/peachpittv/05_SOF_ChessWest_01.mp4.
Secure Programming with Static Analysis has gotten some nice attention from other sources, too. Gary McGraw recently posted the forward he wrote for the book on his Justice League security blog http://www.cigital.com/justiceleague/… and SANS has a nice interview with Brian up at http://www.sans.edu/resources/securitylab/brian_chess.php. I particularly like the part in the SANS interview where Brian takes credit for all the typos in the book ;-).
(Via Vaeros.)