VA Tech Shootings: Cho Seung-Hui, murderer and playwright?
Xeni Jardin:
AOL News has posted what are identified as two plays written by accused (and deceased) Virginia Tech mass murderer Cho Seung-Hui: Link. Above, page 9 of his play titled "Richard McBeef." A second play, titled "Mr. Brownstone" will be scanned and posted shortly, according to blog editors. (thanks, Coates)
An AOL employee and former classmate of the accused killer writes,
When I first heard about the multiple shootings at Virginia Tech yesterday, my first thought was about my friends, and my second thought was "I bet it was Seung Cho."
Cho was in my playwriting class last fall, and nobody seemed to think much of him at first. He would sit by himself whenever possible, and didn't like talking to anyone. I don't think I've ever actually heard his voice before. He was just so quiet and kept to himself. Looking back, he fit the exact stereotype of what one would typically think of as a "school shooter" – a loner, obsessed with violence, and serious personal problems. (...)
When we read Cho's plays, it was like something out of a nightmare. The plays had really twisted, macabre violence that used weapons I wouldn't have even thought of. Before Cho got to class that day, we students were talking to each other with serious worry about whether he could be a school shooter. I was even thinking of scenarios of what I would do in case he did come in with a gun, I was that freaked out about him. When the students gave reviews of his play in class, we were very careful with our words in case he decided to snap. Even the professor didn't pressure him to give closing comments.
Link to full text of post.
Reader comment:
Josh says,
Just wanted to leave a comment before too strong an inference is drawn between Cho Seung-Hui's graphic writing and yesterday's events. Violent imagery in fiction does not necessarily involve violent intent on the part of the author, despite what campus police at the University of Florida Gainesville unfairly attempted to suggest last year (see May 22, 2006 post on Boing Boing).
(Via Boing Boing.)