From Techdirt:
The Sony BMG rootkit fiasco gets worse every day. However, the latest shows how badly Sony continues to react to the problem. When it first was noticed they didn't do much until the outcry got loud enough -- and then defiantly said it didn't cause a security problem while offering a very minimal patch that actually made the situation worse. Basically, they did as little as possible, while hoping that by saying they released a patch and telling everyone not to worry, the story would blow over. It didn't. And, as things continued to get worse and Sony BMG looked more and more ridiculous, the company again did as little as possible: saying they would stop putting out new CDs with the rootkit, but not apologizing, not pulling the rootkitted CDs from store shelves, and not offering any way to return the problem CDs. Instead, they just offered a removal tool, that we learned earlier today is actually a serious security hole on its own. So what does Sony BMG do now that the heat still hasn't gone away? They finally agree to pull the CDs from stores and offer a swap for people who bought the problematic CDs. All along, the pattern has been the same. Deny as much as possible. Never actually apologize. Do as little as possible to fix the problem and hope that the attention dies down. The move that they're doing now is what they should have done from the very beginning (with an apology), but instead they tried to do everything to deny there was a problem and stonewall.